The battle of crait
The battle of crait

Hall has posted some week-by-week build videos on his YouTube channel, which are worth checking out too. The entire structure can broken down into eight smaller sections so that it can be transported easily, which is good because it will be at the BrickFair convention in March in Charlotte, North Carolina if you want to see it for yourself. In fact, all of the details are really nice throughout this scene. Hall did a great job with the broken white salt plain with red ‘soil’ beneath, it looks really good. over 13 months to build! #legostarwars /sb6ZHIFdsI Hey this is my Battle of Crait, 100,000 bricks. Shortly after the Resistance's victory at Starkiller Base, the Battle of Crait was the result of the First Order's counterattack, which had decimated the Resistance forces. I may not have liked the movie, but this is a LEGO masterpiece. The Battle of Crait, also known as the siege of Crait, or the assault on Crait, was a major battle fought in 34 ABY during the war between the First Order and the Resistance. The scene has a pair of highly-detailed First Order AT-M6s walking toward the resistance’s fortress, two AT-ATs, two TIE Fighters, and some First Order Stormtroopers, all led by Kylo Ren’s shuttle. It took Hall around 13 months to complete this thing since it has over 100,000 LEGO pieces. Builder David Hall did a great job on this super detailed diorama. That someone must be one of a handful people that actually enjoyed the movie.

the battle of crait

Now someone has replicated the scene in LEGO form.

the battle of crait

One of the more memorable scenes in The Last Jedi was The Battle of Crait.

The battle of crait